As the holidays are rapidly approaching, (is it just me or does it seem like time speeds up during the holiday season) I thought I’d do a series on easy tips to survive the holidays.
The holiday season is both joyful and stressful. It is both happy and sad. So Holiday Survival Tip #1 is Practice thankfulness. It’s amazing what this simple step can do to your outlook on life.
Over the summer I was really struggling with several things in my life that I didn’t feel were working out the way I wanted them to work out. I would come home at night with a very negative outlook, everything that came out of my mouth regarding my day was negative. I wasn’t fully aware of how negative I was being until my husband stopped me and asked me to think of one positive thing from the day. It was at that point I realized what I was doing to myself. By only focusing on the negative, what we don’t have or what we have but don’t want, we rob ourselves of the joys in our life. This thought pattern can cause us to sink into a place of hopelessness and depression. Once I started to deliberately focus on things I was thankful for my attitude began to shift and I began to feel better about life.
I challenge you today to make a list of things for which you are thankful and read it everyday. After all, this is the month in which we celebrate Thanksgiving, so lets practice giving thanks.